Attunement is an energetic healing practice in which the practitioner and client share in going to a place of balance where health on physical and emotional levels originates. The process of Attunement is restorative, enhances immune function, and by creating Health from within can remove impediments to wellness that have been in the mind-body system for long periods of time. Attunement is an invaluable wellness practice, as the body remembers the state of balance and ease found in Attunement.
Attunement is beneficial in times of physical or emotional stress, during illness, during surgery and in the life transitions of birth and death. Attunement is practiced both in person and from distance when needed. Dr. Pollock in a certified Attunement practitioner a member of the International Society of Attunement Practitioners. She has studied with Andrew Shire, an Attunement practitioner for 40 years and President of the ISAP.
“I have been seeing Dr. Pollock for over twenty years. Her compassionate listening shills and healing hands have gotten me through some very serious illnesses including grief, support for serious heart and endocrine problems as well as joint and muscle pain. She is an extremely conscientious healthcare provider whom I trust completely.”
— Elizabeth A. Andrews